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UNIC policy update 29.09.2017


    Digital Single Market
    25/09: European Audiovisual Observatory publishes results of its Brussels SATCAB workshop – EAO website
    The publication summarises the main points of the discussion during the round-table workshop,which was held on 21 June in Brussels in order to explore certain aspects of the Regulation Proposal. The workshop was organised, and the discussion facilitated by the European Audiovisual Observatory (Strasbourg) upon request of the European Commission. 
    15/09: Expert Survey Shows Direct Injection as the Principal Form of Broadcasting in Europe – SAA
    The Ampere Analysis economic survey of channel distribution in the EU confirms that broadcast signals, whether domestic or cross-border, are overwhelmingly transmitted to retransmission platforms such as cable using a method known as Direct Injection.

    21/09: Hidden European Commission's study copyright study leaked – Netzpolitik 
    The study ‘Estimated displacements rates of copyrighted content in the EU’ commissioned by the European Commission explores the relation between online copyright infringement (digital piracy) and sales of copyrighted content.
    12/09: The urgent for a reform of EU copyright law by MEP Axel Voss – EP Magazine  

    ‘The proposal is a great opportunity not only to adapt the legal situation, but also to generate economic success for European works within the EU. In this connection, we need to strive for a good balance between all players. Ultimately, we are protecting cultural diversity in the EU and thus our European identity, thereby helping to make sure that it is still worthwhile to be creative’ stated MEP Axel Voss.  

    European Commission
    13/09: Juncker’s full 2017 State of the Union speech – European Commission
    The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, delivered his annual State of the Union speech and presented the EU plan on a number of institutional, economic and political reforms.

    27/09: European Audiovisual Observatory Conference on media convergence – Brussels 
    29/09: Workshop on the Promotion of European Works in Audiovisual Media Services – Brussels
    27-28/11: Estonian Presidency conference on audiovisual content, technology and policy – Tallinn – more information here