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    In the first half of May, in Van­couver, the Doc­u­ment­ary Film Fest­ival DOXA will start. At this fest­ival, there will also appear a rep­res­ent­a­tion of Pol­ish doc­u­ment­ary cinema. Four films by Pol­ish dir­ect­ors have been qual­i­fied to the inter­na­tional competition.
    Pop­u­lar, repeatedly shown and awar­ded abroad "Chemo" by Paweł Łoziński , "Mother" by Jakub Piątek, "Where the sun doesn't rush" by Matej Bobrik, as well as the vet­eran of inter­na­tional fest­ivals - "52 per­cent" by Rafał Skal­ski - will com­pete for the prizes dur­ing the Doc­u­ment­ary Film Fest­ival DOXA in Cana­dian Van­couver.

    Paweł Łoziński's doc­u­ment­ary deals with an extremely dif­fi­cult sub­ject, namely the chemo­ther­apy treat­ment of can­cer. The viewer does not, how­ever, watch the anti-​​cancer treat­ments under­gone by the film's prot­ag­on­ists, but looks at their faces in close-​​ups and becomes the wit­ness of their fas­cin­at­ing his­tory of life.

    "Mother" by Jakub Piątek is a pic­ture of a woman who, in spite of her old age, reg­u­larly tra­verses 450 kilo­metres to see her son, doing his time in prison. The video cam­era accom­pan­ies her dur­ing her meet­ings with the son, as well as in her every­day life in the coun­try, full of worry, med­it­a­tion, and await­ing the next visit to the prison.

    "Where the sun doesn't rush" shows the world of the inhab­it­ants of a tiny loc­al­ity, lying in the Slovak moun­tains. This is a world in which everything flows in its own rhythm, where every ele­ment of a day is filled with peace, where even the sun doesn't rush...

    Rafał Skalski's film presents the story of a young girl who wants to be accep­ted to the National Bal­let Academy in St Peter­bor­ough. One of the most import­ant cri­teria of accept­ance to this school is the ideal ratio of the legs' length to height - 52 per­cent.

    The fest­ival will take place from 7 to 16 May.