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More International Productions Benefit from Croatian Tax Incentives in 2018


    ZAGREB: The number of foreign productions using the tax incentives scheme in Croatia increased from 11 in 2017 to 14 in 2018, but the local expenditure decreased from of 24.7 m EUR in 2017 to over 15.5 m EUR in 2018.

    As of July 2018, the cash rebate was raised from 20% to 25%, with additional 5% for productions in regions of below average development.

    Among the projects that applied for incentives in 2018 are: season 8 of the HBO series Game of Thrones, the Belgian/Dutch/Bulgarian/Croatian coproduction The Barefoot Emperor, Se ti abbraccio non aver paura directed by Gabriele Salvatores, and the HBO series Uspjeh directed by Danis Tanović.

    The historical drama The Master Butcher's Singing Club directed by Ulrich Edel, shot in Croatia in 2018, was the first foreign production using incentives for filming in regions of particular national interest. The film is produced by the German company MOOVIE GmbH with Pakt Media servicing.

    According to Filming in Croatia within the Croatian Audiovisual Centre, a total of 59 foreign productions have used the tax incentives scheme since its launch in 2012: five in 2012, four in 2013, eight in 2014, ten in 2015, seven in 2016, eleven in 2017 and 14 in 2018.