
Poland, Hungary Show Strong HD Growth

By FNE Staff

    Poland and Hungary are among the most developed HD countries in Europe according to the latest data from the European Audiovisual Observatory (www.obs.coe.int).

    Poland is one of six countries with 20 or more HD channels, while Hungary is one of three territories with specific HD satellite platforms.

    In the public broadcasting sector, Poland's TVP launched one of Europe's 22 new public service channels, TVP Seriale.

    Hungary ranked fourth in the number of channels established with 558 channels, and Poland was in eighth place. The remainder of the countries had under 200 channels established on their territories, with Czech Republic, Romania, and Bulgaria ranked 12th, 13th, and 14th, followed by Slovenia (18th), Slovakia (22nd), Latvia (23rd), Lithuania (24th), Cyprus (26th), Malta (28th) and Estonia (29th).

    Over 300 new channels were introduced in 2010, with sports channels the most popular. Europe saw the closure of 118 channels, with regional and local channels leading the list.