
Romanians Protest Low TV Standards


    BUCHAREST: The National Audiovisual Center of Romania launched a petiton protesting the declining level of Romanian media on 23 January 2013. Over 13,600 people have signed the petition to date.

    The National Audiovisual Center of Romania, under the leadership of its new president in Laura Corina Georgescu, issued the campaign "Public interest is more important than the audience's taste" aiming to prove the authorities that together with the citizens it can and should sanction television channels when it offends common sensibilities.

    Georgescu’s initiative comes after the controversial coverage of the deaths of filmmaker Sergiu Nicolaescu and actor Şerban Ionescu, and after CNA closed down OTV channel, considered one of the promoters of low standards in TV media.

    CNA wants to see if it can improve audiovisual legislation to clearly define the public interest in TV and radio programmes, declarng that “the Romanian audiovisual has worsened year after year.”

    The Romanian TV media has been the subject of many public discussions recently, with the general opionion that more TV channels are encouraging vulgarity, violence and promiscuity.