In the run-up of an official German-Russian Cinema Agreement, on Wednesday (July 29th, 2009) night the sponsorship association "Friends of the German-Russian Film Academy" was founded in Berlin. Peter Dinges, head of board of the Filmförderungsanstalt (FFA) called this funding a historical act, underlining that the long preparations for German-Russian cinema relations had finally resulted in concrete activities.

In the future, the FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival of East European Cinema, will cooperate with the Film Festival Wroclaw, specifically in the mutual presentation of festival films.

apply for

east european forum

and find financing and support for your creative documentary projects

application deadline: September 11 2008

About ZFF-
Zero Film Festival - Focusing on a niche in the independent film community which has been under appreciated and ignored, Zero Film Festival is dedicated to screening self financed films from filmmakers all over the world.

Hungarian cinema of the 1960s and 1970s

The review is organised in cooperation with the Hungarian Cultural Institute in Warsaw.
THE WHITE RIBBON by Michael Haneke will be making its Polish Premiere as the Opening Film of ERA NEW HORIZONS INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, to be held in the city of Wroclaw, Poland, from 23 July to 2 August.

International Film Festival DocBoat / Warsaw NON-fiction e-fest - LAST Call for Entries: DEADLINE moved to: 24th July 2009

International Film Festival DocBoat / Warsaw NON-fiction e-fest – LAST Call for Entries: DEADLINE moved to: 24th July 2009

Dear Friends,

You are kindly invited to submit your latest documentary for the1st International Film Festival DOCBOAT / WARSAW NONFICTION E-FEST which will be held on September 2009 on the Polish Internet.

We believe Mother Theresa of Cats to be an exceptional project that makes for a fascinating and moreover contemporary story, that deserves to be told on the big screen.

December 2009 marks a key deadline for the regulation of the media in Europe. The Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD), adopted as the principle legislative text governing linear and non-linear services in Europe in December 2007 must be transposed into national media legislation by the end of this year.