

    The Federation of European Film Directors today calls for a sea change in the rights and status of directors as part of the Commission’s review of the EU Copyright rules in the completion of a Digital Single Market.

    The organisation, which represents film and television directors from 29 countries across Europe, is publishing a five point plan aimed at boosting the position of directors as creators at the heart of the value chain.

    Welcoming the Commission’s proposal to build a Digital Single Market, FERA Chair Swedish Director Håkan Bjerking commented: « The digital era offers a lot opportunities for our works – but only if audiovisual authors and directors’ creativity is properly valued. Today we are calling for a sea change in the rights and status of directors, so that the value chain is rebalanced towards authors and creators, with an end to contractual abuses and proper recognition of the value of directors’ rights. Europe’s creative economy cannot grow to its full potential without rewarding the creativity and authorship of directors.”

    Europe's audiovisual content, generating revenues estimated at EUR 133 billion in 2013, is at the heart of a future Digital Single Market.

    FERA welcomes the mention in the Commission DSM strategy of safeguarding fair remuneration of creators, the importance of the future generation of European content, and the need to ensure that the financing process and Europe’s cultural diversity are not undermined.  

    In addition, as part of its five-point action plan, FERA is calling for specific targets on the representation of women directors, to end discrimination across Europe.

    FERA is therefore calling for action on the following five key points:

    • Contractual terms that protect directors’ authorial rights throughout the value chain, allowing for fair contracts and fees.
    • Restoring balance to the employment of freelance directors by allowing freelancers to organise and represent themselves collectively, bringing an end to unfair employment contracts.
    • Fair remuneration for secondary use of our works.
    • A funding environment that promotes sustainable incomes and careers for directors.
    • Securing the range of voices and works across European film and television, with specific targets to end the under-representation of female directors.
    FERA looks forward to discussing with the European Commission how to meet these essential requirements for European directors ahead of their upcoming legislative proposals.
    FERA’s full length position paper is available here

    Contact :
    Pauline Durand-Vialle, FERA CEO – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – +32 25 44 03 33