

    The third and final session of the international training program for film professionals EKRAN+ will allow the participants to use the knowledge and skills that they learned in the previous parts of the workshop to create chosen scenes from their films. This time the participants were able to invite cinematographers and actors from their countries and international film crews will shot their scenes in Polish, Turkish, Hebrew and Spanish.

    The third session of EKRAN+ is a time for the participants to create scenes that will fully represent the style and concept of their future film which they can later on use to find co-producers and potential investors. Between the 22nd and 30th of June the young filmmakers will meet in Warsaw to analyse and shoot their scenes under the tutorship of Andrzej Wajda, Wojciech Marczewski, Denijal Hasanović and Udayan Prasad. This session will put special focus on script work and each participant will have a chance to have individual consultations with script doctors Antoine Jaccoud andMarylin Milgrom.

    The last three days of the workshop will take place on film sets where the participants will shoot their scenes and on the 30th of June Andrzej Wajda and Wojciech Marczewski will take part in a special screening and discuss the finished scenes with their authors and other EKRAN tutors.

    For a full list and synopsis of projects developed at EKRAN+ 2015please click here.