Maria Veselinova wrote the script inspired by the Santa Claus myth. The story follows the exciting adventures of 9-year-old Marty, who accidentally finds himself in Santa’s manufactory. Surprised by the old-fashioned preparation of the gifts, Marty persuades Santa’s Elves to embrace modern hi-tech facilities.
The film stars Krustyo Lafazanov as Santa and Konstantin Girginov as Marty. The cast also includes popular actors Kalin Vrachanski, Stanislav Peev and Stefania Koleva. Famous pop singer Poli Genova makes her debut as an actress.
Shooting took place mainly in two specially constructed sets in 2016. Over 150 technicians were involved in the design of the fictional 18th century settings, including over 5,000 pieces of props, 122 different glass and colour shapes and 40 unique costumes.
“Christmas is a feast of magic and dreams, and I have always wanted to make a film on that. But Smart Christmas does not depend on smart technologies“, Veselinova told FNE.
Juli Maruli Entertaiment produced the film in association with Vetrogon. The Bulgarian National Film Center supported it with 300,000 EUR.
The domestic distributor Lenta plans to release the film on 30 November 2018.
Production Information:
Juli Maruli Entertaiment
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Director: MariaVeselinova
Scriptwriter: MariaVeselinova
DoP: Georgy Chelebiev
Production designer: Mira Kalanova
Costumes designer: AntoniaPopova
Composer: Iskren Tonchev
Cast: Konstantin Gеrginov, Kalin Vrachanski, Krustyo Lafazanov,Orlin Pavlov, Poli Genova, Konstantin Ikonomov, Radostina Nedelcheva, Konstantin Lungov, Sofia Georgieva, Stefania Koleva, Penko Gospodinov, Zhivko Dzhuranov, Stanislav Peev, Nikolay Branzalov, Vasil Dimitrov