
dok.incubator Opens Applications for Czech and Slovak Documentaries


    PRAGUE: The intensive rough cut workshop dok.incubator has opened applications for Czech and Slovak filmmakers. The deadline is 14 February 2024.

    dok.incubator is open to teams of three (editor, director and producer) to participate in a seven-month-long programme which is organised partly as a residential event and partly online.

    Every year, international tutors select four Czech and four Slovak projects which get an opportunity to gain a new perspective on their film and to maximise its international potential.

    Documentaries with Czech or Slovak coproducers are also welcome to join the programme.

    The first session consists of four days at the end of April 2024 in Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia, the second session will be held in the Czech Republic for three days at the end of June, and the third session will be held online in October 2024.

    For more information, please contact coordinator Tereza Koldová (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or click HERE.