
FNE at Fest Anča: VIM and TOM Series in Production

    VIM and TOM VIM and TOM

    ŽILINA: Visual artist Jana Znášiková is wrapping development and will start the production of VIM and TOM / VIM a TOM, an animated TV series produced by Slovakia's Animoline. The project was presented at the Pitching Forum of the 8th edition of Fest Anča Animation Festival (24-28 June 2015). 

    The first series will have 13 episodes of 6.5 minutes each, broadcast in 7 min. slots, for a target group of children of approximately 3-7 years old. The different stories revolves around the idea of an unusual friendship and tolerance as the main characters are a little bird and a bat, a creature of day and a creature of night who want to be friends against all odds. The main visual and storytelling motif in the first season of the series is the contrast between the forest life during daytime and night time.

    Jana Znášiková is the author of the project (theme, script, visual design, direction) and Jaroslav Baran is producing through Animoline. Negotiations with German and Polish producers are underway. Znášiková told FNE that the Slovak Audiovisual Fund gave the project a stipendium of approximately 9,000 EUR for the development and also a production grant of 25,000 EUR for the first episode. Animoline co-financed the production with 5% of the budget. One minute costs 3,500-3,700 EUR, Jaroslav Baran told FNE.

    The first episode was directed by Katarina Zegerova. The development of the scripts and the visuals for the 13 episodes are already done and an essential partnership with the Slovak Television and the Czech Television are expected in order to do the production.

    Production Information

    Animoline s.r.o.
    20 Kopciaska
    Bratislava, 85101, Slovakia
    Phone/Fax: +421 2 45522718
    Mobile: +421 903 270357

    Directors: Jana Znášiková, Katarina Zegerova
    Theme, script, visual design and backgrounds: Jana Znášiková
    Dramaturgy: Soňa Koželová
    Storyboard: Animoline s.r.o.
    Camera and composition: Drahoslav Demin
    Music: Rastislav Dubrovsky
    Sound: Peter Daniška
    Animators: Peter Sabo, Vitali Babrouski, Marek Sekera, Andrea Bohunická, Veronja Bírová, Andrea Gábrišová, Ol’ga Laktionová, Katarina Zegerova, Blanka Radová, Lenka Pajerová, Tibor Fekete, Sláva Biliková