
Magnus von Horn and Mariusz Włodarski in conversation in the frame of the New Horizons Studio

    Magnus von Horn and Mariusz Włodarski in conversation in the frame of the New Horizons Studio Intruz

    On Wednesday July 29th as part of the New Horizons Studio there will be a masterclass by Magnus von Horn, director of The Here After and the film producer of Lava Film, Mariusz Włodarski. The film had its world premiere at Directors’ Fortnight Cannes 2015.

    Magnus von Horn was born in Sweden and gratuated from the Polish National Film School in Łódź. He is going to describe the project’s genesis and how his feature debut ended up in Cannes. Mariusz Włodarski will share his experiences with working on the project, his role as a producer in the film’s success and marketing strategy of the movie.

    The Here Afteris a fruit of the friendship between Magnus and Mariusz who started working together during their studies, getting to know each other and each other’s working methods. The debut was supported by Madeleine Ekman who joined the friendship, adding her energy and optimism. Together they created a one of a kind Polish-Swedish team.

    Credit goes as well to the cinematographer of Academy-winning film Ida, Łukasz Żal. The Here After  will be screened in two dozen top film festivals around the world and will be released in a number of territories, including France and UK, thus becoming the best internationally acclaimed Polish film production of 2015 (besides Małgośka Szumowska’s Body).

    The Hereafter is based on a true story and starts when 17-years-old John returns home to his father after serving time in prison. He is looking forward to start his life afresh. However in the local community, his crime is neither forgotten nor forgiven. Unable to leave the past behind, he decides to confront it.

    See festival screening schedule for the dates and hours of The Here After.

    The masterclass is free of charge and open for everyone. No New Horizons pass necessary. As the space is limited we kindly ask you to confirm your attendance by sending an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please put Masterclass Magnusa von Horna i Mariusza Włodarskiego as a subject, and give your name in the body of the message. Deadline is July 28th, midnight.

    The masterclass will be held on July 29th at 3pm at Art Hotel (chimney hall) at 20 Kiełbaśnicza Street in Wrocław.

    Join the event on Facebook.

    New Horizons Studio is organized by Creative Europe Desk Polska, New Horizons Association, and London Film Academy in collaboration with Lithuanian Film Center, Cinessonne Festival, Czech Center, Camões Institut, Romanian Culture Institute and the Austrian Forum and the Embassy of the Netherlands in Warsaw.