dok.incubator is open to teams of three - editor, director and producer - to participate in a seven-month long program which is organized partly as a residential event and partly online. Every year, international tutors select four Czech and four Slovak projects which get an opportunity to gain a new perspective on their film and to maximize its international potential.
Is the program worth it?
The ex-participants of dok.incubator prove so. The Slovak doc Lines (Čiary) from the 2020 dok.incubator edition got three awards at last year’s Ji.hlava IDFF including the Main Award in the Opus Bonum Competition, the film The Sailor from the same workshop was awarded the best documentary at Rhode Island IFF. Among the successful Czech project there is Intensive Life Unit (Jednotka intenzivního života) awarded at Karlovy Vary IFF in 2021 which premiered internationally at IDFA, Amsterdam. And last but not least A New Shift (Nová šichta) awarded at Ji.hlava IDFF, Czech Film Critics’ Awards or One World Slovakia. New projects for the 2022 edition of dok.incubator CZ and SK can apply NOW!
- Deadline for dok.incubator SK: March 4, 2022 – apply here
- Deadline for dok.incubator CZ: March 18, 2022 – apply here
Timeline of 2022 Slovak edition:
1st session: April, Banská Štiavnica, SK / or online based on the COVID situation – after screening discussions, DNA sessions (deep analysis of your film), editing and production consultations, final wrap ups
Individual consultations with editing tutors between 1st and 2nd session
2nd session: June, Olomouc, CZ– after screening discussions, editing and production consultations, final wrap ups, one-on-one meetings with decision makers, open program (panel discussions, sessions with sales and festival selectors)
Individual consultations with editing tutors between 2nd and 3rd session
3rd session: October – online sessions with the selected projects including after screening discussions and one-on-one meetings with decision makers – festivals, distributors, and sales, editing, dramaturgical and production consultations, final wrap ups
Timeline of 2022 Czech edition:
1st session: May – editing and production consultations with the projects in their editing rooms Prague or project teams travel to editing tutors’ rooms, DNA sessions (deep analysis of your film)
2nd session: June, Olomouc, CZ– after screening discussions, editing and production consultations, final wrap ups, one-on-one meetings with decision makers, open program (panel discussions, sessions with sales and festival selectors)
3rd session: October – online sessions with the selected projects including after screening discussions and one-on-one meetings with decision makers – festivals distributors, and sales, editing, dramaturgical and production consultations, final wrap ups
All workshops are held in English.
For more information about CZ and SK edition of dok.incubator, please contact its coordinator Miriam Ryndová ( or find more on dok.incubator website.