The film tells the story of three young and aspiring filmmakers who are enjoying the first years of their adulthood and trying out their initial steps in filmmaking when the political upheaval of the early 1990s – resulting in the collapse of the Soviet Union – turns their lives upside down. Their plans, friendships, as well as family ties are rocked, as they witness a totalitarian political system end and their country regain its independence.
The film had its world premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival 2022, in the International Narrative Competition section.
The film was produced by Mistrus Media from the Latvian side, in coproduction with Artbox from Lithuania and Staron Film from Poland. It received support from the National Film Centre of Latvia, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia, the Lithuanian Film Centre, the Polish Film Institute, Eurimages, Latvijas Mobilais Telefons, Latvian Television, Latvian Foundation, Culture and Sports Department of the Riga City Council.
The Yellow Affair is handling the sales.