
Baltic Pitching Forum Welcomes 2024 Projects


    VILNIUS: Twelve short film projects from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and the guest country Croatia will take part in the 12th edition of the Baltic Pitching Forum (BPF), which will be held in Vilnius 8 – 11 October 2024.

    For participants with projects, the Baltic Pitching Forum kicks off in September with participants taking part in individual online consultations on their short film scripts with a scriptwriting consultant Anna Bielak (Poland).

    During the main event in October, participants will engage in pitching training and attend open lectures by industry representatives. They will also present their projects to a panel of industry experts, who will provide feedback and select the winning projects.

    The leading industry event is organised by the Lithuanian Short Film Agency “Lithuanian Shorts”, which is financed by the Lithuanian Council for Culture, in association with the Riga International Short Film Festival 2ANNAS, Riga International Film Festival and PÖFF Shorts (Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival).

    The project is financed by the Lithuanian Film Centre, Audiovisual Works Copyright Association “AVAKA” and Vilnius City Municipality. The partners of the event are Creative Europe MEDIA Desks in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Croatia, Italian Short Film Center and Vilnius Film Office.

    Click HERE to find out more about the selected projects and HERE for the press release.