The film follows a troubled teenager named Maya, who disturbs the fragile balance of a married couple, professors Anna and Fillip, when she moves in to stay with them. Maya grows fond of Anna, working on developing a photograph that would illustrate the photographic phenomenon known as the “Sabattier effect”.
Veninova penned the script and Sara Klimoska, Blagoj Veselinov and Kamka Tocinovski play the main characters. Slovenian Lev Predan Kowarski is the DoP.
The film was produced by Goce Kralevski through DNF Films in coproduction with Mirjana Tomić through Serbian Lilit, with the financial support of the North Macedonia Film Agency, Film Center Serbia, Eurimages and the SEE Cinema Network. The budget was 472,000 EUR.
Things Unsaid was shot during 30 days in August and September 2020 on locations in Skopje and Ohrid. It was the first Macedonian film that was shot under the COVID-19 safety guidelines for filming in 2020.
The domestic release is expected in the autumn of 2022.