
Poland Puts Spotlight on Animation Business


    WARSAW: The Creative Europe Desk in Poland is organizing an Animation Business Seminar, 9-10 June 2015 in Warsaw, focusing on the business side of the animation film industry.

    ANIMATION BUSINESS SEMINAR banerThe seminar is intended primarily for producers, directors and screenwriters of animated films and series. Experts from Denmark, Great Britain, France and Spain will speak about topics related mainly to strategic and business issues essential for production process.

    The speakers include Oliver Hyatt, a founder of Blue-Zoo (UK), on the topic of business strategies and how to position the company on the local market and internationally. Isabelle Fauvel from Initiative Film (France), a specialist in the field of adaptation, will speak on the topic of how to find the right book and negotiate with the publishers and copyright owners. Lars Christiansen, producer and founder of Copenhagen-Bombay (Denmark), will look at branding for both businesses and projects. Nicólas Matji, producer from Lightbox Animation Studios (Spain), will talk about licensing and merchandising. In the closed session that follows, selected producers and directors with the animation projects can consult with the experts and receive feedback on their films and companies.

    Participation in the seminar is free of charge, but prior registration is required, with a 27 May deadline, at registration on-line. Producers requesting individual consultations must file an additional form