Wooma, based Kalinowski’s comic book entitled Łauma, will employ CGI, 3D animation and silicone costumes.
The script follows the story of eight-year-old Dorothy who finds out that her grandmother was a village witch. When her parents move to the small community from a metropolitan town, the girl starts an investigation into her grandmother’s past. She soon finds out that her world is full of magic and she needs to face the mysterious monster, Wooma.
"Wooma is a fairy-tale about the power of love, bizarre and scary mysteries, dressed in the form of an action-packed, darkly funny family film," said the director Paweł Borowski.
Borowski is an accomplished Polish filmmaker most recognized for his award winning drama Zero (Opus Film). The film is produced by Lava Films with a planned budget of 4.5 m EUR. The project received 120,000 PLN of development financing from the Polish Film Institiute. Lava Films is coproducing the project with VFX studio Platige Image, responsible for the animation sequences and concept art.
"We thought that it is fantastic material for an adventure for the young audience, one of those special kinds of films that has the power to outgrow childhood and stay in the hearts of its viewers deeply enough to make them want to go back and show it to their children as well," said the producer Karolina Mróz-Couchard.
The film is in development and the producers are looking for financing and presales.
Production contact:
Lava Films Sp. z o.o.
ul. Mahatmy Gandhiego 7/30
91-012 Łódź, Poland
tel. 607 054 264
e-mail: lava@lavafilms.pl
Director: Paweł Borowski
Producer: Karolina Mróz-Couchard
Production: Lava Films
Co-production: Platige Image
Financing: Polish Film Institute