Silent Night follows Adam, a young economic migrant who finds out that his girlfriend is pregnant and who decides to change his life by setting up his company abroad. In order to do that he travels to his home town in Eastern Poland to persuade his relatives to sell their land. During the traditional Christmas Eve supper, Adam learns that the price he would have to pay is much higher than he anticipated.
"I wanted to talk about that community objectively, without evaluating its members and their behavior or assessing their decisions and choices. From the outset of my journey as a director, I have been fascinated by films which use a simple story to talk about a wider community or a general social problem", director Piotr Domalewski told FNE.
The main characters are played by Dawid Ogrodnik, Arkadiusz Jakubik and Tomasz Ziętek.
The film was produced by Munk Studio – Polish Filmmakers Association with a budget of 700,000 EUR. The project was supported by the Polish Film Institute with 233,547 EUR / 1 m PLN and also by the Warmia and Mazury Film Fund.
Production Information:
Munk Studio – Polish Filmmakers Association
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Director: Piotr Domalewski
Screenwriter: Piotr Domalewski
DoP: Piotr Sobociński jr
Cast: Dawid Ogrodnik, Tomasz Ziętek, Arkadiusz Jakubik, Paweł Nowisz, Agnieszka Suchora, Maria Dębska, Tomasz Schuchardt, Magdalena Żak, Elżbieta Kępińska, Amelia Tyszkiewicz