
Grzegorz Łoszewski Elected President of Polish Filmmakers Association


    WARSAW: Grzegorz Łoszewski was elected as the new President of the Polish Filmmakers Association (SFP) during the Ordinary General Meeting held in Warsaw on 22 June 2024. He will serve a two-year term, succeeding Jacek Bromski.

    Grzegorz Łoszewski. photo: SFPAddressing the assembly, Łoszewski emphasised his commitment to advancing the rights and financial stability of filmmakers. "The most pressing issue for our community is the passage of a copyright law amendment that grants creators royalties from internet content," he stated. He also outlined his plans to update the blank media list in connection with the Professional Artist Act, a move expected to provide substantial support for artists and to improve their financial security.

    As the author of numerous film, TV series and theatre scripts, Grzegorz Łoszewski has garnered several prestigious awards, including the HARTLEY-MERRILL, two script awards at the Gdynia Film Festival and the Polish Eagles, as well as accolades at festivals in Tehran and the European CIVIS Prize.

    For nearly 20 years, Łoszewski has been a lecturer at film schools in Łódź and Gdynia, and he has conducted numerous workshops. Since 2008, he has served on the board of the SFP Screenwriters’ Circle and he co-founded the Polish Screenwriters’ Guild. In 2022, he was elected to the Main Board of SFP and the Repartition Council of SFP-ZAPA.

    With over 2,200 members, SFP is the largest organisation of film professionals in Poland, dedicated to protecting and promoting the interests of filmmakers.