
Poland's NEXT TV to Launch with Original Production

By Katarzyna Grynienko

    NEXT television plans to enter the Polish market by the end of 2011 with several HD channels and its own productions.

    NEXT television (www.nexttv.pl) has been holding competitions for new scripts to produce as part of their broadcasting offer. The first winner is Operation, a crime series written by three young screenwriters: Elźbieta Marczuk, Jacek Galiński and Marcin Kubawski. The drama follows a man, who has to cross the law in order to ensure the safety of his family. The series started as a team project at the Warsaw Film School (www.szkolafilmowa.pl) and the authors developed it to meet NEXT television requirements.

    NEXT has already received six licenses from the National Broadcasting Chamber to broadcast its channels independently and not as a part of another cable provider. Currently the broadcaster offers 10 HD thematic channels including Poland's first 3D television.

    The search continues for ideas and scripts for comedy, youth and female oriented series for future production.