
New Distributor on Polish Market

By Katarzyna Grynienko

    WARSAW: Lancelot Media Distribution announced a 6 May 2011 launch on the Polish market. Founder and artistic director Piotr Kaźmirski told FNE that the company will focus on independent productions, in particular niche films, that are overlooked by commercially-oriented Polish distributors.

    Lancelot Media Distribution leads off with a WWII documentary drama Oni Szli Szarymi Szeregami (They Walked in the Grey Line), directed by Mariusz Malc and produced by Fundacja Filmowa Armii Krajowej (www.ffak.org.pl).

    The company has also picked up the first production about the April 2010 Smoleńsk plane crash, Straight From The Sky (Prosto z nieba) directed and produced by independent Polish filmmaker Piotr Matwiejczyk, and the feature debut from Ewa Stankiewicz, a drama titled Don't Leave Me. The director, known for her documentary work, has had trouble finding a distributor for the film due to its controversial take on the political turmoil that followed the events of April 2010 in Poland.