The story focuses on a young and aspiring football player, burdened by temper issues, who from early youth and due to his gift has been the target of various interests. Golden Boy has been envisioned as a coming-of-age story about a young character living and finding his way in harsh circumstances and how that reflects back onto such a hapless hero.
The script was written by Aleksa Ršumović, Vuk Ršumović and Janković himself. Luka Milićević is the director of photography, and the principal roles are played by Denis Murić, Igor Benčina, Andrija Kuzmanović, Petar Strugar, Alisa Radaković, Jovana Gavrilović, Tihomir Stanić, and Ljubomir Bulajić.
Golden Boy / Zlatni dečko was produced by Janković and Uglješa Jokić through Fantastika Film Studio. Jelena Radenković was the executive producer. This project was supported by Film Center Serbia in May 2019 with a grant of 170,000 EUR / 20 million RSD. The production was also supported by Telekom Srbija.
The local distributor is Art Vista with 66 prints at the moment.
Overall, 2021 was a great year for Serbia regarding the box office results. There were 3,355,838 admissions in 2021 compared to 1,579,485 in 2020, and such a sizable increase came as the result of domestic blockbusters distributed during the autumn of 2021.
Production information:
Fantastika Film Studio
Jelena Radenković (
Director: Ognjen Janković
Scriptwriters: Aleksa Ršumović, Vuk Ršumović, Ognjen Janković
DoP: Luka Milićević
Cast: Denis Murić, Igor Benčina, Andrija Kuzmanović, Petar Strugar, Alisa Radaković, Jovana Gavrilović, Tihomir Stanić, Ljubomir Bulajić