
PRODUCTION: Serbian Director David Jovanović in Postproduction with Sophomore Feature Sun Never Again

    Sun Never Again by David Jovanović Sun Never Again by David Jovanović credit: Pointless Films / Uroš Stepić

    BELGRADE: Serbian director David Jovanović (born in 1996) is in postproduction with his sophomore feature Sun Never Again / Sunce nikad više, which is supported by Film Center Serbia.

    Vid, whom his son Dule considers to be the greatest hero in the world, is profoundly disturbed by the expansion of a nearby mine, which threatens their home and way of life. Vid persistently hides his concerns from Dule, who remains blissfully unaware of reality. And yet, Dule feels that something is wrong and devotes all his childish energy to trying to regain his father's happiness.

    “The first thing you feel upon entering a mining village is a spectacular thrill, a sense of awe as goosebumps rise from the sheer magnitude of the mine. It feels like discovering a new planet. But very quickly, you begin to grasp how rough, unforgiving, and brutal this place is on its inhabitants. The first question you want to ask anyone is: ‘Why are you still here?’ From an outsider’s perspective, every answer seems like the response of a mad person. It took me some time to realise that these people are boiling frogs, completely unaware that they are slowly being boiled alive. My grandmother found herself in the same situation. For 40 years, she worked hard throughout the year, returning each summer to her village to build her dream house. But the mine crept closer each year, eventually stopping just beyond her fence. Living so close to it, she developed pulmonary fibrosis and was ultimately forced to abandon the house, unable to sell it”, David Jovanović told FNE.

    David Jovanović wrote the script together with Đorđe Kosić. The cast consists of Dušan Jović, Rastko Racić, Nataša Marković, Radovan Miljanić, Joakim Tasić and Svetozar Cvetković.

    Sun Never Again was produced by Pointless Films in coproduction with the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, with support from Film Center Serbia, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, the town of Bor and the EU za tebe programme. Rastko Petrović and David Jovanović are the producers.

    The film was shot in 2021 on several locations in the region of Serbian towns of Bor and Negotin. Asked by FNE about the time gap between the shooting and postproduction, the director said: “The film needed time to mature. We went back and forth with the music and editing until we got it right. As a passion project, it also had to be done in between other commitments."

    The film is planned to premiere during the autumn of 2024.

    Production Information:

    Sun Never Again by David Jovanović, credit: Pointless Films / Uroš StepićProducer:
    Pointless Films (Serbia)
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    Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade (Bulgaria)

    Director: David Jovanović
    Scriptwriters: David Jovanović, Đorđe Kosić
    DoP: Mladen Teofilović
    Editor: Branislava Stefanović, David Jovanović, Mina Petrović
    Composer: Nemanja Mosurović
    Cast: Dušan Jović, Rastko Racić, Nataša Marković, Radovan Miljanić, Joakim Tasić, Svetozar Cvetković