
PRODUCTION: Marko Škop Preps Let There be Light

    Director Marko Skop Director Marko Skop

    BRATISLAVA: Slovak director/writer Marko Škop is in preproduction with the feature film Let There be Light / Nech je svetlo. Principal photography is planned for the beginning of 2018.

    The film tells the story of a guest-worker in Germany, who discovers that back home in Slovakia his teenage son has become involved with a nationalistic group, when he is accused of bullying and killing a classmate at his high school. The father starts searching for the truth about what happened.

    “I am interested in the theme of an ordinary man, one out of the millions, who takes part in the mass xenophobic soul with his own tiny, ignorant particle when he is confronted with the consequences of hatred in a hard way through events that occur in his own family. I am interested in the confrontation between the world of the individual and his family with the world of our great big human family. And the realisation that correctness is not just a word, but that it also means something, that human values are above the individual and his own fear, frustration, his own arse,” Škop said

    The film, which has an estimated budget of 975,000 EUR, will be a Slovak and Czech coproduction of Artileria and Negativ production companies. The Slovak Audiovisual Fund has already supported the development phase.

    Principal photography is planned between January and March 2018 and the final version is expected to be released in summer 2019.

    Škop is graduate of Academy of Performing Arts VŠMU in Bratislava and is the director of full-length documentary films Other Worlds / Iné svety (2006) and Osadné (2009), both awarded at the Karlovy Vary IFF. He produced the documentary film Blind Loves / Slepé lásky (2009) by Juraj Lehotský, which won the CICAE Award in the frame of the Quinzaine des Realisateurs in Cannes. Eva Nová (2015) was his fiction feature debut, awarded the FIPRESCI Prize at the Toronto IFF.

    The project will be officially introduced at Pitch and Feedback at IFF Karlovy Vary.

    Production Information:


    Negativ Production


    Director: Marko Škop
    Scriptwriter: Marko Škop
    DoP: Ján Meliš
    Editor: František Krähenbiel
    Sound: Jan Čeněk
    Costumes: Katarína Hollá
    Cast: Milan Ondrík, Daniel Fischer, Csongor Kassai