Bratislavafilm (, directed by Jakub Kroner, is now in postproduction at Prague's Cinemasound studio ( The digital movie is then to be transferred to standard film by UPP ( ) in Prague.
Producer Slavomir Kralovic told FNE that the low budget film is being financed "by its own sources." The Slovak Ministry of Culture gave the film a €33,000 grant.
The actors worked from "pure enthusiasm, and they did a good job. We are thankful to them," claims Kralovic. The cast includes some of the country's biggest stars, Robert Roth and Zuzana Fialova.
The Slovak capital has been the backdrop for numberous recent Slovak films. Bratislavavafilm features the city and its subcultures as a central issue. "Many film-makers perceive Bratislava as the most wealthy place but actually, that is not true," explains Kralovic.
Bratislavafilm has not yet signed any TV contracts. "In the best case, we have been promised TV spots," said Kralovic. There is no word on festivals or foreign sales.
The film was shot in three months. The Slovak premiere is planned for autumn, 2009.
4EVER, spol. s r.o.
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