
Production: Broken Promise

By Jana Kadlecova

    SPI ( www.spi-film.sk) is handling distribution of Broken Promise, a Slovak/Czech co-production from Czech comedy director Jiri Chlumsky.

    The holocaust themed film, following the coming of age of a young Slovak villager from age 13 -21, was filmed over a 16- month period in 2007 and 2008.

    The €1.7 million euro film was produced by Genta Film (www.gentafilm.sk). It received a grant of €354,000 from the Slovak Ministry of Culture. Co-producers include Slovak Television (www.stv.sk), Czech Television (www.ceskatelevize.cz), and non-profit organization Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation (www.jewishpartisans.org).

    Distribution and Sales

    SPI International Czech Rep. & Slovakia
    Matúškova 15
    831 01 Bratislava 37, Slovakia

    Tel.: +421 2 54 63 00 52
    Fax: +421 2 54 79 36 53
    +421 2 54 63 00 49


    Genta Film s.r.o.

    Sokolská 10

    811 04 Bratislava

    tel.: +421 903 032 020 fax: +421 2 5249 4044,

