
PRODUCTION: Tigers Ain't Happy Here completes filming

By Ondrej Starinsky

    Slovak director Juraj Krasnohorsky finished principal photography on his feature debut Tigers Ain't Happy Here. Shooting started in mid-August after three years of pre-production. The post-production stage will continue after additional funds are raised. Release is planned for spring 2011.

    Tigers Ain't Happy Here, an urban story set in Bratislava, is a comedy with a crime plot and some dramatic elements. The shooting took place around the city except one scene that was shot in Moravia. It is targeted at wide audince (16 - 40).

    The estimated budget is 400,000 euro, which has so far been covered mostly by the director himself and partners from the private sector. In Slovakia, the film is produced by Juraj Krasnohorsky and his company Artichoke (executive producer Henrieta Cvangová). The producers plan to apply for grant from Audiovisual Fund (www.audiovizualnyfond.sk).

    Dawson Production is the coproducer in Czech Republic.

    Production information:


    Juraj Krasnohorský

    phone: (421) 904 185 692



    Dawson Production
    Tomáš Mašín

    Pštrossova 21
    110 00 Praha 1
    phone: (420) 224 999 911
    fax: (420) 224 999 923




    Director: Juraj Krasnohorský

    Script: Lucia Siposová, Juraj Krasnohorský

    DOP: André Bonzel (France)


    Kristína Tóthová

    Milan Ondrík

    Ľubo Bukový

    Ivica Sláviková

    Diana Mórová

    Karel Dobrý (CZ)

    Richard Stanke

    Robo Roth