This road film follows a couple of small-town friends who embark on a journey of personal discovery with two mopeds in 1999.
The main roles are played by Timon Šturbej and Petja Labovič, joined by Anja Novak, Nataša Matjašec and Nikola Kojo.
Riders was produced by Miha Černec and Jožko Rutar through Staragara, in coproduction with Danijel Pek through Antitalent (Croatia), Milan Stojanović through SENSE production (Serbia), Srdjan Šarenac through Novi film (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Transmedia (Italy), Nuframe (Slovenia) and RTV Slovenija.
The project was supported by the Slovenian Film Centre, Film Center Serbia, the Sarajevo Cinema Foundation, MEDIA – Single Development and RE-ACT Developing Award, while Studio Viba Film provided additional technical support. Riders was developed at the First Film First.