
Do You Speak Cinema?

    Cinema-edu, the biggest cinema education project continues this autumn in Romania.

    In the first half of this year more than 11.000 high school students and teachers have already taken part in Cinema-edu. Now the project is back and will travel to six Romanian cities: Ploiesti, Craiova, Medias, Targu Mures, Iernut and Roman. This way, more than 2500 new high school students and teachers will benefit from the project.

    In each city the students will watch the following films: “Wasteland” (d. Lucy walker), Beasts of the Southern Wild” (Benh Zeitlin) and “Me and You” (d. Bernardo Bertolucci). After the screenings they will be engaged in debates with special guest speakers regarding the various themes developed by each film.

    This is the fourth year Cinema-edu is organized in Romania by Asociatia Culturala Macondo. In the previous years the project reached more than 80 high schools in Bucharest and in the country.

    The aim of Cinema-edu is to promote art-house films to high-school students in a country were 78% of the cities don’t have a functional movie theatre. The main objectives of Cinema-edu there are developing and promoting the concept of media literacy amongst youth, growing thetomorrowaudience by displaying a large variety of themes and cinematic approaches, promoting Romanian and European Cinematographic patrimony and developing non-formal education methods through cinema.

    You can follow the project on www.cinema-edu.ro

    Also you can find more information about Asociatia Culturala Macondo at www.asociatiamacondo.ro

    Official sponsor: Romgaz

    Partners: Ministerul Educației, Cercetării, Tineretului și Sportului, Inspectoratul Şcolar al Judeţului Prahova,  Inspectoratul Școlar al județului Sibiu, Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Mureș, Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Dolj, Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Neamț, Primăria Municipiului Craiova, Primăria Municipiului Mediaş, Primăria Municipiului Târgu-Mureş, Primăria Municipiului Roman, Asociația K'ARTE

    Club Cinema Twins Ploiești, Biblioteca Județenă Alexandru și Aristia Aman, Cinema Mediensis, Cinema Arta  Târgu-Mureş, Biblioteca Orăşenească Iernut.

    Media parteners: Kiss Fm, Gazeta de Sud,  Radio Sud, Știri Actuale, Telegrama de Prahova, Mediaș News, Zi de Zi Mureș, Ziarul Metropolis, Film Reporter, Urban.ro, Cafe Gradiva, Psihoo.ro, CinemaRx, Cinefan, Societatesicultura.ro, SuntParinte.ro, AmDoar18Ani.ro