It offers more than a hundred of animated films. Among them, we can find various representatives of contemporary animation and true “treasures” – currently the award-winning films by the renowned Latvian director Vladimir Leschiov. Everything ad-free and in proper audio-visual quality.
Aniont’s library includes animated shorts, student films, non-narrative forms of animation and animated music videos. The videotheque comprises a wide scale of animation techniques and methods used in films by talented young filmmakers and by established authors such as Rosto, Edmunds Jansons, Regina Pessoa, Ülo Pikkov, Erick Oh, Tomek Ducki, Vít Pancíř, Katarína Kerekesová and Noro Držiak.
A unique new addition to Aniont are the films of the renowned Latvian director and graphic artist
Vladimir Leschiov with music composed by the legendary Canadian composer Normand Roger.
Roger also collaborated on a number of award-winning animation films such as The Man who
Planted Trees. Leschiov’s films Lost in Snow and Wings and Oars are famous for their atmosphere
and the director’s own captivating artistic style.
The most viewed film on Aniont is, however, Czech. It is an animated sociological documentary by
Rudolf Šmíd called The Chronicle of Oldrich S. (narrated by Josef Somr; awarded at many festivals).
The most viewed music videos are Kafka Band’s Grab / Hrob inspired by the artistic style of Jaromír
99 (directed by Noro Držiak) and Zhu: Paradise Awaits directed by Tomek Ducki and awarded at last
year’s Anifilm. Tomek Ducki is considered the most progressive and successful director of animated
music videos of his generation.
A new feature of Aniont are also composed film sets. The viewers have a chance to play animated
shorts in sequence without any interruptions. The running time of each sets is approximately 1 hour.
So far, Aniont offers 3 thematically different blocks: the first one is for children, the second introduces
animated music videos and the third one maps Czech and Slovak puppet animation.
Currently, there are 129 film from 22 countries on Aniont. The portal with more than 16 000 visits is run
by the Citizen’s Association for the Support of Animated Film which also organizes the Anifilm
International Festival of Animated Films.