
Borys Lankosz, a renowned Polish filmmaker to tutor a screenwriting group at Slawomir Idziak's Film Spring Workshop

    Borys Lankosz Borys Lankosz Copyright: Gildia Reżyserów Polskich

    Borys Lankosz, a renowned Polish filmmaker is to tutor the screenwriting group at the annual Film Spring Workshop in Krakow, Poland, 17-26 October 2018.

    The Film Spring Workshop is a 10-day international, interdisciplinary film training which
    gathers about 300 young filmmakers from all over the world and offers them
    comprehensive and future-oriented education, including lectures and workshops from
    award-winning top professionals (also Oscar winners), screenings of the selected,
    awarded films and discussions with their makers, one-to-one tutorials, learning and
    testing new technologies.
    Borys Lankosz, a graduate of the famous Film School in Lodz, one of the oldest film schools in
    the world, made his debut in 2001 with a touching documentary Evolution about neglected
    patients of a mental institution. The film was awarded on various international documentary
    festivals. Lankosz worked on the script of Evolution with Marcin Koszałka, also a frequent guest
    of Slawomir Idziak's Film Spring Workshop.
    The true success of Lankosz came with his directorial feature debut in 2009. Reverse was
    showered with prizes, including the Golden Lions at the Polish Film Festival in Gdańsk. It was
    recognized as one of the best Polish films of the decade and was the Polish official entry for the
    Academy Award.
    The second full-length feature in Lankosz's filmography and another success is the thriller Grain
    of Truth, the script for which he wrote with Zygmunt Miłoszewski, an author of the best-selling
    novel on which the film is based.
    Currently, Lankosz is finishing his third feature, Dark, Almost Night, for which he wrote the script
    with Magdalena Lankosz.
    The screenwriting group at the Film Spring Workshop was established 4 years ago and since
    then it has been very popular among young filmmakers.
    The work of the group will be based both on intensive individual one-to-one tutorials and on the
    participants' joint work.
    Apart from the classes and a lecture on screenwriting, the group participants can benefit from all
    other lectures, workshops and screenings included in the rich programme of the event.
    Film Spring Workshop is not only about gaining theoretical and practical knowledge under the
    guidance of the best specialists, but also it gives a huge boost of energy to create and work.
    - It is a great opportunity to meet young filmmakers from around the world. I believe that by
    sharing my experience with them, I will be able to give them strength and inspiration for further
    development and creativity - says Borys Lankosz.
    8 people will be admitted to the group, based on the submitted works. The application
    containing: name, surname and a 10-page treatment of the feature film should be sent to:
    biuro@filmspringopen.eu until the 10th of September. The results will be announced on the 5th of October.
    It is a great chance for young screenwriters to work on their scripts with such an acclaimed
    filmmaker, especially that this year there are no restrictions regarding the genre of the film

    More information:
    Website: www.filmspringopen.eu
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/filmspringopen.eu
    Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/837599979748507/