
MIDPOINT TV Launch at Series Mania Forum 2019

    MIDPOINT TV Launch is proud to continue its second year of co-operation with festival Series Mania and its industry platform Series Mania Forum. Read more about its participation at the UGC Writers CampusTalent Corner or Broadcaster Think Tank here: MIDPOINT TV Launch at Series Mania Forum 2019MEET US AT SERIES MANIATV Launch Head of Studies Gabor Krigler and Program Coordinator Katarina Tomkova will be attending the Series Mania Forum during March 25 - 27, 2019. Book a meeting!

    ACCREDITATIONSDiscover all the accreditations options at:

    All MIDPOINT TV Launch graduates and participants are invited to be using the TALENT accreditation, for information on a discounted prices, please contact the TV Launch Program Coordinator Katarina Tomkova.  

    INDUSTRY PROGRAMThe program of the Forum is already available at: 
    https://seriesmania.com/en/industry/programme-march-25INDUSTRY PARTICIPANTSDiscover all the participants and professionals you can meet at: 
    https://seriesmania.com/en/industry/participantsFESTIVAL PROGRAMThe festival program is now also available online: