

    Submit your application by February 28, 2020!

    CIRCLE Women Doc Accelerator announces the call for an exclusive one-year training program. We are looking for 10 women filmmakers (directors or producers) with a strong creative documentary project in any stage of production (from development to rough cut) who are seeking further support to upgrade their professional skills with leading experts, further develop their films and bring them to the wider professional audience.
    The program of CIRCLE 2020 features 3 tailor-made sessions focusing on a different aspect of project development:

    1st MODULE: 3-7 June 2020, Montenegro
    In-depth analysis of projects

    The first module is focused on creative development trough an intense in-depth analysis of the projects with expert scriptwriters and producers aiming to reach a new perception of each project, improve the content and their overall potential. A carefully and a la carte curated program consists of group work, exclusive case studies and one-to-one meetings with successful directors, inspired producers and other film professionals. All experts are invited considering the specific needs of ten projects.

    2nd MODULE: 27-31 August 2020, Serbia / Croatia
    Project packaging 

    The second module is dedicated to building up a tailor-made production strategies with a help of leading experts specialized in packaging and marketing in order to raise international visibility and financing potential. Main focus is on strategic planning, communication, marketing and distribution strategy.

    3rd MODULE: 27-30 October 2020, Germany

    The third module offers an additional introduction to current tendencies, tools and insights of documentary industry through a customized Side Bar program offered by DOK Industry. The highlight is on networking and presentation of the projects to the potential partners and decision makers at DOK Leipzig Co-production market. The final module is organized as a string of exclusive and round tables exclusively for CIRCLE participants.

    In order to apply, please fill in the form that you can find on our site www.doccircle.me

    Timeline of application process:

    • Submission deadline: February 28, 2020
    • Announcements of the results: beginning of April 2020

    Participation fee: 1200 €, covers the pedagogical material, accommodation and meals for all three modules. CIRCLE Women Doc Accelerator may allocate two full scholarships for participants in need.

    CIRCLE Women Doc Accelerator 2020 is organized by Wake Up Films in partnership with Underhill Fest Montenegro, DOK Leipzig Co-Pro Market, EWA, Film Centre of Montenegro, HAVC, MEDIA Desk Srbia, MEDIA Desk Montenegro, City of Novi Sad and Sekvenca Production.

    If you have any questions regarding the application please write us at info@doccircle.me.

    We are looking forward to reading your stunning project proposals!

    Good luck!


    CIRCLE is training platform designed both for talented directors and producers who are in the process of developing their first feature-length documentary, as well as the more experienced authors, who will be given the opportunity to further improve their skills and develop their projects. The goal is to provide the participants with tools for quick professional advancement, with a special focus on the development of the artistic potential of their projects.

    The year-round program comprises three modules, during which up to ten selected participants will have a chance to work with reknown experts on an in-depth analysis of their projects, dramaturgical challenges, production strategies and finally project packaging and presentation.

    For more info please visit our site www.doccircle.me.

    Last modified on 06-02-2020