TETA has opened applications for the 8th edition of Pustnik Screenwriters Residency, which has been scheduled for mid-September 2022. Pustnik was established as the first Romania-based residency for feature film development and is dedicated to emerging filmmakers from all over the world.
After an online edition in 2020 and returning to in-person attendance in 2021, Pustnik takes place in a remote location in rural Romania, a propitious environment for writing. For the last seven years the residency was hosted by Cultural Port Cetate, on the banks of the Danube. The program could be subjected to various modifications due to the epidemic situation. The organisers will comply with the measures imposed by the competent authorities and will announce the conditions for a safe residency timely enough.
Eight first feature-length projects – two from Romania and six international – will be developed during the retreat. Besides dedicated writing time, Pustnik also offers participants the opportunity to meet residency alumni who have already produced or launched their debut films as well as established screenwriters who will provide feedback on their projects.
Applicants are required to have previously written at least one short film (fiction only) which has screened at a notable international film festival. Projects can be written in any language but fluency in English is mandatory for all residency activities.
Residents and guests take part in common working sessions and screenings of their own work. We encourage them to offer each other feedback and nurture a generous spirit of support.
Applications are open at www.pustnik.com until the 6th of March. As a non-profit organisation run by screenwriters for screenwriters, there are no application or participation fees (except international travel).
The residents will be selected by the co-founders of Pustnik, Andreea Borțun (writer/director, Romania) and Bryn Chainey (writer/director, UK/Australia) and will be announced in May.