CentEast Market Warsaw is:
- Warsaw Screenings; the screenings of selected, new Polish films,
- CentEast Warsaw-Moscow, presentation of selected completed films and works-in-progress from Eastern Europe and Russia, organised with Moscow based, TVINDIE Film Production company,
- panel discussion and workshop with industry professionals on film sales and distribution.
For the 2010 edition of CentEast Warsaw-Moscow the organisers are looking for the works-in-progress and completed films before world premieres (both feature films and documentaries for theatrical release) from: Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine.
The selected projects will be presented at:
- the 6th CentEast Market Warsaw, organised during 26th Warsaw Film Festival, on October 15, 2010, www.wff.pl,
- CentEast Moscow: Project for Tomorrow, organised during the 4th 2morrow International Film Festival, on October 17, 2010, www.2morrow.ru .
We would like to remind you, that the deadline for submitting projects for CentEast Warsaw-Moscow is Thursday, September 9, 2010.
For regulations and information on submitting a project, please go to www.centeast.eu.
We also would like to offer you the possibility to place a full page advertisment in the CentEast Warsaw-Moscow catalogue, which will be distributed among the participants of the both events in Warsaw and in Moscow. Should you be interested in placing the ad, please let us know on centeast@gmail.com, till September 17, 2010.
The deadline for accreditation forms is September 30, 2010.
For projects from Europe: Magdalena Banasik, Warsaw Film Foundation, centeast@gmail.com
For projects from Russia: Ekaterina Gershenzon, TVINDIE, centeast.moscow@gmail.com
CentEast is supported by MEDIA International Programme of the European Community and by Polish Film Institute.