FNE is Interactive. Send your press releases to press.release [at] filmneweurope.com
Press release - FIlm "EPIC"
Film and Music Entertainment begin shooting EPIC – a major International co-production between the UK, Germany, Russia and Georgia. Principal Photography begins in Georgian Capital Tbilisi last week. EPIC was developed by the British Film Institute (London), and is supported by the HessenInvestFilm Fund (Frankfurt), Metra Films and the French-German…
Peacefulfish and partners 2013 Berlinale Information Sessions
Media financing consultancy peacefulfish and partners Just Temptation, TWIST, and Audiovisual SGR invite you to our 2013 Berlinale Information Sessions on: MEDIA PRODUCTION GUARANTEE FUND (MPGF)MEDIA-Programme fund for producers seeking production loans for film & TV projectsMonica Carretero, fund manager (Audiovisual SGR)www.audiovisualsgr-mgf.eu JUST TEMPTATION (JT)Pan-European film music company based in…
East Doc Platform | Prague | March 4 – 10, 2013East European Forum, Doc Launch, East Silver Videolibrary,Project Market
WEMW Development Award for best project goes to ANISHOARA by Weydemann Bros
German project wins third edition of Trieste co-production forum Trieste, January 22, 2013 – ANISHOARA, the story of a 14-year-old girl from Moldavia suspended between childhood and adolescence is the winner of the third edition of When East Meets West.
Two US in Progress Wrocław films to screen at the Berlinale
Following the selection of three US in Progress films to Sundance, Berlin follows suit with a world one premiere and one European premiere. US in Progress is the first industry event in Europe devoted entirely to US-indies and focused on the completion and European distribution of American indie feature films…
MAIA Workshops 2013 at its flying start: call open
Maia announces the 3 residential workshops of 2013 edition. The application deadline for the complete 3-workshop package is set at February 28. Workshop 1 - Creative aspects of development Italy, May 27 - 31 Application deadline April 19 Workshop 2 - Legal & Financial Issues Slovakia, June 17 - 21…
Seeking funding for your film or TV project? Interested in pitch training with equity investors? Want to learn how to close your project’s budget gap? Closing The Gap is a training course for film and TV producers run by creative industries financing consultancy peacefulfish (Berlin/London/Brussels) in association with the pan-European…
Bulgaria takes over European Audiovisual Observatory Presidency in 2013
The European Audiovisual Observatory, part of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, has announced that Bulgaria will take over its annually rotating Presidency for 2013. Bulgaria is represented in the Observatory’s Executive Council by Irina Kanousheva, responsible for International Relations, Festivals and Promotion at the Bulgarian National Film Center.
Although we promise it to be done by the beginning of December each year, we always finalize it by the middle due to the plenty tasks, but finally we're pleased to announce that the registration for the BuSho 2013 will be open by just one week before the end of…
YOUNG AUDIENCE AWARD 2013: Call for Submissions
The European Film Academy Young Audience Award, first introduced in 2012 on occasion of the 25th European Film Awards, will be presented this year in the framework of a Young Audience Film Day on Sunday, 5 May.
Perspektive Deutsches Kino 2013: The Sorrow of Parting Is Both Gruesome and Beautiful
With six full-length fictional, three documentary and two medium-long fictional films, new German directorial talents are making a strong showing with distinctive works in Perspektive Deutsches Kino 2013. Their films revolve around exploring the past, natural catastrophes, starting a family, separations – around love and lost. “Parting, for instance, from…
The latest edition of peacefulfish’s Closing The Gap: Equity Investment for 360° Content training course culminated in a pitch workshop with equity investors during the Mallorca Film Week in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. The Closing The Gap producers pitched their film and television projects to a panel of European investors…
Docs in Thessaloniki 2013
March 20 - 24, 2013. Thessaloniki, Greece. Docs in Thessaloniki is an international pitching forum and workshop offering an outstanding opportunity to create alliances for future collaborations. Here you will develop & pitch your project and network with European colleagues and financiers in a relaxed and constructive atmosphere. Submission deadline…
Acquisition of the shares in Israel Theaters Real Estate B.V., an indirect subsidiary of Israel Theatres Ltd by Cinema City International NV and closing of the bank club financing agreement by Cinema City International NV
The Management Board of Cinema City International N.V., with its registered office in Amsterdam, the Netherlands (the "Company"), hereby announces that on 19 December 2012 the Company signed and completed an agreement with Israel Theaters Real Estate Holding B.V. ("ITRE") (a subsidiary of Israel Theaters Ltd. ("IT")) to acquire (the…
3D Film Mart, a growing market which demonstrates the strong interest of European Cinema professionals for S-3D
The second edition of 3D Film Mart took place on 4 & 5 December 2012 in Liège (Belgium) and was a success. More than 100 people attended the Market, nearly double the numbers anticipated! Producers, researchers, distributors, and investors from all over the world met there in order to do…
WHEN EAST MEETS WEST -22 projects selected for participation in the Trieste forum
22 projects selected for participation in the Trieste forum dedicated to co-productions with Eastern European countries Trieste, December 20, 2012 – A total of 22 international projects from 11 countries will participate in the third edition of the Trieste-based co-production forum When East Meets West, one of the important platforms…
Selection for 2013 EAVE European Producers Workshop announced
With 146 applications coming from 46 different countries, we are delighted to announce the participants for the EAVE 2013 European Producers Workshop: 51 promising producers from 32 countries have finally been selected for 2013. Out of the selected producers, 33 are bringing a project to EAVE (of which 5 documentaries).
Cinema City acquires the real estate operations of Israel Theatres and signs a new bank club financing loan with BZ WBK, HSBC and ING Bank Śląski
Today Cinema City announced the acquisition of Israel Theatres Real Estate BV ("SPC"), a subsidiary of Israel Theatres Ltd., which holds all of its real estate assets. These real estates are located in Bulgaria, Israel and Poland. The purchase price for the transaction is EUR 33.1 million. Cinema City will…
EFP introduces Two New Member Countries
Montenegro and Russia have been accepted as the newest member countries of European Film Promotion (EFP). At the last meeting in Hamburg (Germany), the EFP members decided to welcome the Ministry of Culture of Montenegro and the Russian Cinema Fund, supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation…
Berlinale: Generation Programme 2013
Fifteen films that were produced and co-produced in twelve countries have already been invited to compete in Generation Kplus and Generation 14plus. The complete Generation programme will be announced in mid January.