WARSAW: After winning a spot in the MUX-8 transmitter for best lifestyle channel project, Agora plans to invest 30 m PLN (7 m EUR) in the new channel Kiwi TV.

WARSAW: The National Development Council newly created by Polish President Andrzej Duda will make a decision on creating a new fund that would support big budget history costume and family productions by the end of December 2015.

WARSAW: Maciej Pieprzyca, director of the box office hit Life Feels Good (Tramway) is working on his new film Jestem Mordercą / I Am A Killer, a thriller inspired by a series of murders from the 1970's. RE Studio is producing.

LÓDŹ: Israeli director Avi Nesher is working on Past Life, the first part of his trilogy devoted to the issues of past and identity. Opus Film is the executive producer in Poland.

WARSAW: Smolensk, a drama about the tragic plane crash of 2010 which killed the Polish President directed by Antoni Krauze will open in Polish cinemas in March 2016 distributed by Kino Świat.

TALLINN: What Nobody Can See, a psychological thriller by Latvian director Stanislavs Tokalovs, was showcased at Baltic Event Works in Progess hosted by the Black Nights Film Festival in Tallinn.

TALLINN: Bodom, a slasher horror film directed by Taneli Mustonen, was presented at Baltic Events Works In Progress hosted by Black Nights Film Festival in Tallinn.

TALLINN: Freedom, a drama from Jan Speckenbach exploring the issue of loss and the search for identity, was presented at Baltic Works in Progress hosted by Black Nights Film Festival in Tallinn.

TALLINN: Pretenders, a coproduction between Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and the feature debut from Estonian director Vallo Toomla explores the generation of millennials in their 30's. The Eurimages supported project was presented at Baltic Event works in progress hosted by POFF Black Nights Film Festival in Tallin.

TALLINN: A dark fantasy feature from  Rainer Sarnet was showcased at Baltic Event Works in Progress hosted at the POFF Black Nights Film Festival in Tallinn. The premiere is set for May 2016.