
FNE Film Meets Games: Croatian Game Battle of Vukovar: Rain of Steel Pre-released on Steam

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    The Battle of Vukovar: Rain of Steel The Battle of Vukovar: Rain of Steel credit: CRO Game Devs

    ZAGREB: The Croatian first-person strategic shooter game Battle of Vukovar: Rain of Steel has been pre-released on Steam by the programming collective CRO Game Devs. The game is based on true events from the 1990s Homeland War.

    Once completed, the game will tell the story of the battle of Vukovar through 10 historically and geographically accurate single-player chapters, including the characters of real-life Vukovar defenders and different military units. Early access includes six multiplayer modes, in which the gamers are able to choose between the Yugoslav National Army and Croatia’s defenders to compete against other players or bots.

    "The Battle of Vukovar is studied at numerous military schools, but Croatia still doesn’t have a proper film about it. Therefore I believe this project is a big deal because the computer game is a medium through which we want to get in touch with young people in order to convey the truth about the Battle of Vukovar and the Homeland War", said Damir Plavšić, a war veteran and one of the initiators of the project.

    In addition to utilising the feedback and suggestions of the early players for bugfixes and general improvements, developers hope the pre-sales will allow them to close the production budget, estimated between 3 and 4 m EUR. So far, 80 percent of the budget is secured through the Croatian Ministry of War Veterans, and 20 percent through private donations. Full release with the single-player campaign and expanded multiplayer modes is expected in 2025.

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