
Film “Policeman” presents the challenges of contemporary Israel in Vilnius film theatres

    The Israeli film Policeman opened in "Skalvija" and "Pasaka" cinemas this week. It is a drama about a curse of the modern society: the widening gap between the rich and the remaining population, and the modern revolutionaries inspired by this gap.

    Policeman is the debut film of a young filmmaker Nadav Lapid who has already won the acclaim of the international film community. The script for the film was written by the director for the Cannes Film Festival residency programme Cinéfondation.

    Yaron, the main character of the film, is in the elite police force, which he adores. He sees himself and his colleagues as the weapon of the state aimed at its enemies. Yaron cherishes his masculinity and his masculine friendship with his teammates. His wife is pregnant with their first child. Everything appears to be perfect.

    However, one day Yaron's team gets a task to liberate millionaires held hostage. Radical activists who have taken the hostages are not only chanting ghastly slogans that "it's time for the poor to get rich and for the rich to get dying." They are also addressing the police officers who are aiming their weapons at them: "Policemen, you are not our enemies! Policemen, you are also oppressed.!"

    The unexpected confrontation with the hostile, radical activists rocks Yaron's perception of the world.

    "In the 60s and 70s, when political terrorism rose in Western Europe, Israel was socialist, basically egalitarian. Today, Israel has the widest economical gaps in the Western world.", said Nadav Lapid. "Class conflicts are shadowed by the conflict with the common enemy-the Palestinians. But, below the surface, boil a rage and a feeling of abuse. In " Policeman", they mature to an eruption, strangled by a force greater than itself."

    "Policeman" is the first Israeli film distributed theatrically in Lithuania. It was introduced to the audiences by Kaunas International Film Festival which is participating in the unique network for international festivals and distributors"Eye on Films" supported by the European Union programme MEDIA Mundus.

    The film has opened in the film theatre "Pasaka" on February 16 and in film centre "Skalvija" on February 17 d.

    More information: Gintarė Kavaliūnaitė, phone No.: +370 610 05056; e-mail: gintare@kinofestivalis.lt; www.kinofestivalis.lt .

    Gintarė Kavaliūnaitė
    Public relations | Ryšiai su visuomene
    Kaunas International Film Festival | Tarptautinis Kauno kino festivalis
    +370 610 05056 | www.kinofestivalis.lt| gintare@kinofestivalis.lt |