
MEDIAWAVE International Film and Music Festival : Call for Entries

    Dear Friends,

    MEDIAWAVE International Film and Music Festival is excited to announce the call for entries for next year's film festival, which takes place between 30 April - 4 May, 2013 in Fort Monostor - Komárom, Hungary.

    Submissions are open to films of all genres (fiction, animation, documentary, experimental, music video or other), of any length (both short and feature), from any nation of the world.

    The deadline for submissions is 10 January, 2013, but we kindly ask you to send or upload your film in as soon as possible, rather than waiting until the deadline.
    There is no entry fee.

    Please check the complete submission requirements here.
    To submit a film, please complete the Online Entry form. You may also send a DVD preview copy to the following address:
    International Visual Art Foundation
    Pf. 668, H-9001 Györ, Hungary

    More about the Festival. (www.mediawave.hu)

    Please share this information with anyone who may wish to submit a film. Thanks in advance for your interest and collaboration.

    We are looking forward to meeting you in Fort Monostor - Komárom!

    Best regards,

    Festival Director