
Jihlava 2009 IDFF: docu-buses and other news

    Jihlava IDFF 2009 starts on October 27

    The 13th Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival 2009 starts in a week. The festival 2009 appeals for RECONSTRUCTION. The call for reconstruction of reality, history and our environment unites film and the world and demands from film audiences a new vision of the world. This year, Jihlava IDFF welcomes a special guest, Danish provocative film-maker Jorgen Leth as a juror of the Opus Bonum Competition. It will present many international premieres, especially from Eastern and Central Europe. But some international hits will be screened, too. E.g. new docu-jab at the American economic system by Michael Moore Capitalism: A Love Story. Or The Shock Doctrine, a new movie by well-known British director Michael Winterbottom (Welcome to Sarajevo, Tristram Shandy), will be screened. An entrancing docu-drama is based on eponymous controversial book by the Canadian journalist and activist Naomi Klein. See the complete press materials for Jihlava IDFF 2009 here.

    Docu-buses: Jihlava-Vienna and Jihlava-DOKLeipzig

    Docu-buses are going between Jihlava and Vienna and Jihlava and DOKLeipzig festival. The bus from Vienna leaves on October 28 at 10.00 a.m. (in front of the Vienna University, Dr. Karl Lueger Ring 1). On October 30 at 5 p.m. the bus goes back to Vienna from where it goes to Jihlava again at 8.30 p.m (departure from the same place). From Leipzig (Festival centre, Katharinenstrasse 10) the bus leaves on October 28 at 10 a.m. From Jihlava back at 4 p.m. And on October 30 at 10 a.m. from Leipzig (the same place) and at 4 p.m. from Jihlava.

    More information on transport: guestservice@dokument-festival.cz


    This year, too, docalliancefilms.com will start its "autumn online festival" in a rather traditional way - by presenting last year's winning films of IDFF Jihlava. From 21 to 26 October, the following films will be available free of charge:

    best Czech documentary Ivetka and the Mountain by Vít Janeček

    René by Helena Třeštíková awarded both by the Jihlava audience and the European Oscar

    best world film Iraqi Short Films

    best Central and Eastern European film The Flower Bridge by Thomas Ciulei

    best experimental film NightStill by Elke Groen

    From 1 to 8 November, portal visitors will be able to directly follow the festival events. Retrospectively, we will reveal tasty morsels not only from the film screen but also from the accompanying programme - they can look forward to the improvisation of the Vosto5 Theatre, discussions with directors or authorial readings.

    Documentaries supported by East European Forum selected for IDFA

    The current edition of the East European Forum and Ex Oriente Film brings so far the best results scored by films that received its support in the past. Since 2001, more than 49 films have been made with the help of the Forum, in 2009, a number of these received top honours at major international festivals.

    Rabbit a la Berlin, a Polish documentary film by Bartek Konopka, Piotr Rosolowski and Anna Wydra, received the Award for Best Short Documentary at Canada's Hot Docs; after several more trophies from international festivals, the film was also selected for the prestigious DocuWeeks organized by the Internatioanl Documentary Assocation (IDA) in Los Angeles and NYC. Macedonian director Atanas Georgiev and his co-production feature doc Cash & Marry received an award at Visions du réel, Switzerland; Moon Inside You by Diana Fabiánová was included in the Critics Week section at the Locarno IFF as well as it was selected for the most prestigious festival IDFA in Netherlands. Among other awarded films, let us mention, for instance, Sevdah by Croatian filmmaker Marina Andree or the Estonian Disco & Atomic War by Jaak Kilmi which was also selected for IDFA festival.
    Contact: zuzanar@docuinter.net; hanka@docuinter.net; Institute of Documentary Film, http://www.docuinter.net/

    East Silver 2009

    Breakfast with Finnish Producers and Directors

    Sunday November 1st, 2009 / 9.00 - 10.00 at Secondary Graphic Art School
    The last of three East Silver Breakfasts will host Jihlava's Finnish delegation of directors and producers on Sunday November 1st. Guests include Timo Humaloja, producer and director of Kinovid Productions, Jari Kokko of Karlik Films, Kirsi Mattila of Leino & Suvinen Production Inc., Markku Niska Navy Blue Bird Inc., and several others. Representatives of the Dokumenttikilta - The Finnish Documentary Guild, will also be present to provide information about the Finnish documentary industry. New projects from guest filmmakers and opportunities for co-productions between Finland and Eastern European countries will also be discussed.

    One-on-One Meetings and Informal Dinners with Sales Agents and TV Buyers

    Saturday October 31st, 2009 / 3.30 - 6.15 pm at Secondary Graphic Art School
    East Silver Market will organize one-to-one meetings between Czech filmmakers, as well as producers and director with films included in the 2009 edition of the East Silver Market, and respective industry delegates such as distributors and buyers who will be present in Jihlava. Meetings will provide next-step information to filmmakers. The inseparable part of networking activities are East Silver dinners for selected producers, Sales Agents and TV Buyers / dinners are accessible with invitation only.

    Official press release available here.

    Contact: Miriam Simkova, office@eastsilver.net

    http://www.dokument-festival.cz/ | Ji.hlava 2009 also on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

    Best regards

    Jan Hlubek
    head of media communication

    media@dokument-festival.cz | +420 774 101 652