Based on true events, the film tells a story of a charismatic figure, Felix Bush (Robert Duvall), a man who has been carrying a great secret through many years. He does not want to take it with him to the grave, so shocking the local community he throws his own funeral, during which he discloses his secret. The funeral party named Woodstock of the great depression times, was organized with momentum by the funny income-oriented proprietor of the funeral parlour (Bill Murray) and his assistant, a real virtue incarnate (Lucas Black).
The film was made to a screenplay by Chris Provenzano (Mad Men), amended by C. Gaby Mitchell (Blood Diamond) and directed by Aaron Schneider, Academy Award winner in 2004 for his short film Two Soldiers. The character of Felix Bush was personated by Robert Duvall, Academy Award winner in 1984 for his role in Tender mercies. Bill Murray (Acadamy Award nominee for his role in Lost in Translation) plays a greedy owner of the funeral parlour, who takes up an unusual job.
- We are proud that we took part in this production - says Dariusz Gąsiorowski head of the film production department at TVN.- Since the first moment we saw the script, when we didn't yet know who's going to be in it, we felt that it is the kind of film that we wanted to do. It is a subtle, told in a modest way, story of great love as well as a difficult art of taking responsibility and of forgiving yourself. An important issue, universal message , extraordinary, rich roles of Duvall and Murray, beautiful music by Jan A. P. Kaczmarek, make Get Low attractive to all who seek in contemporary cinema some humor, emotion, valuable experience. We are very content with the final version of Get Low, although unfortunately it does not include a scene with Tomek Karolak. It is not the first case when the producer needs to focus on the quality of the whole picture and not separate scenes.
Get Low was already screened at Toronto Film Festival and also in the competition at San Sebastian. Sony Pictures Classic is going to release it in American cinemas and the premiere is set for 2010. Robert Duvall for his role in Get Low is considered a candidate to the Best Actor Academy Award
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