Hooked, a psychological drama/crime series created by Adrian Sitaru and developed by Anamaria Antoci through Tangaj Production, tells the story of a married couple Mihai and Mihaela, who live peacefully with their 10-year-old-son until an unexpected visit from Ana, who blackmails them into letting them take Mihaela’s place for one day, changes everything. Fighting for survival, all of them start pushing their boundaries, even getting ready to kill.
The story is set to be told in six 40-minute episodes. The budget for the first season is estimated at 1 m EUR, of which 25,000 EUR is in place.
The producers are looking for co-development and coproduction partners at CineLink, as well as TV channels or VOD platforms interested in acquiring the rights for the series.
Trixy is created by Tudor Giurgiu and developed by Matei Truță through Libra Film. This mini-series tells the story of one of the Romanian greatest ballet dancers and choreographers Trixy Checais, who lived long enough to witness two world wars and a communist regime. Sentenced for homosexuality and sent to a labour camp, he had to find a way to be released. Although he got married afterwards, he remained under surveillance and finally ended up in a voluntary exile.
The budget of the four 45-minutes episodes is estimated at 1.7 m EUR, of which at the moment only 20,000 EUR of the producer’s own investment is in place. Currently, the team is concentrating on further development of the project.
Production Information:
Tangaj Production (Romania)
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4 Proof Film (Romania)
Creator, Writer and Director: Adrian Sitaru
Producer: Anamaria Antoci
Production Information:
Libra Film (Romania)
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Creator: Tudor Giurgiu
Writers: Cecilia Ștefănescu, Tudor Giurgiu
Producer: Matei Truță