
Bulgarian NOVA Gets International Emmy Nomination

    NOVA Emmy nominated report NOVA Emmy nominated report source: nova.bg

    SOFIA: NOVA’s investigative journalist Marijeta Nikolaeva and cameraman Tasi Asenov received a nomination in the News and Current Affairs category at the 2024 International Emmy® Awards.

    Bulgarian professionals were nominated for their report about the biggest Bulgarian refugee tragedy, which happened near Lokorski in January 2023, when 18 migrants (children and men) were found dead, suffocated in specially built hiding places while trying to cross illegally. Six survivors told NOVA about the horror of their deadly journey from Afghanistan.

    "It is a great honour for us that NOVA is the first Bulgarian media to be recognised in this category by the International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences in the face of such serious competition.(…). This recognition is even more precious because it comes in the year in which NOVA celebrates its 30th anniversary, and confirms the result of our dedication to providing quality television journalism", said Dirk Gerkens, CEO of Nova Broadcasting Group.

    The international winners of the News & Current Affairs Emmy Awards will be honoured along with their American counterparts during a ceremony in New York on 25 September 2024.