"The production of Die Hard 6 came to Prague to see the locations for shoting, there were looking at creating the Moscow-like settings in the film. That would mean work for approximately three months in Czech studios and spending up to 1 billion CZK. But in the end they did not pick the Czech republic," confirmed Ludmila Claussová from Czech Film Chamber.
The problem appears to be mainly the very rigid and inflexible procedure for Czech tax incentives. They are fixed for each year only after the state budget is approved by the parliment. It means in reality that it is not certain how much money will be availible for the next year‘s projects until November ot even the beginning of December.
"There is a 300 million CZK tax incentives budget proposed for the next year. But until it is approved no one will take the risk of opening a big project in advanced. It is logical that it would be much better to administrate the tax incentives regardless of the state budget schedule and also raise their bugget," Claussová added. She thinks that Czechs coud find useful a tax incentives budget of even 500 millions CZK, since such a tax policy is a standard in trying to attract foreign investements into a country.