
Inaugural Tony Curtis International Film Festival 2024 Wraps in Hungary

    Inaugural Tony Curtis International Film Festival 2024 Wraps in Hungary source: Tony Curtis International Film Festival

    BUDAPEST: The first edition of the Tony Curtis International Film Festival wrapped in the Hungarian town of Mátészalka, the place where Tony Curtis’ father was born.

    The festival organised by the Hungarian Hollywood Council, the Municipality of Mátészalka, and Origo Film Group Zrt, with support from the National Film Institute – Hungary (NFI) had three competition categories: feature films, documentaries and short films.

    Noémi Veronika Szakonyi’s debut feature Six Weeks / Hat hét received the award for Best Feature Film as well as Best Actress (Katalin Román) and the Mátészalka Audience Award.

    The guest of honour and honourary chairwoman of the jury was Jill Curtis-Weber, widow of the legendary Hollywood actor.

    The Tony Curtis International Film Festival was held 19 - 21 September 2024.

    The 2025 edition of the festival will celebrate the 100th anniversary of Tony Curtis's birth.


    Best Feature Film:
    Six Weeks / Hat hét (Hungary)
    Directed by Noémi Veronika Szakonyi
    Produced by Sparks
    Supported by the National Film Institute – Hungary (NFI)

    Best Documentary:
    I Will Not Die / Nem halok meg (Hungary)
    Directed by Asia Dér

    Best Short Documentary:
    Deer Bell / Szarvasbőgés (Hungary)
    Directed by Edit Jakab

    National Association of Entrepreneurs’ Award for Best Short Film:
    Will My Parents Come to Visit Me (Germany, Austria, Somalia)
    Directed by Mo Harawe

    Hungarian Hollywood Council Paramount Premium Award:

    Kaláka – From the Carpathians to the Caribbean / Kaláka – a Kárpátoktól a Karib-tengerig (Hungary)
    Directed by Réka Pigniczky

    Mastergame / Mesterjátszma (Hungary)
    Directed by Barnabás Tóth
    Produced by Innoplay
    Supported by the National Film Institute – Hungary (NFI)

    The Activated Man (USA)
    Directed by Nicholas Gyeney

    Somewhere in Between (France, Egypt, Lebanon)
    Directed by Dahlia Nemlich

    Voiceless (Afganistan)
    Directed by Zahra Mojahed

    The Other End of the Street / Az utca másik végén (Hungary)
    Directed by Kálmán Nagy

    Best Director:
    Áron Gauder for Four Souls of Coyote / Kojot négy lelke (Hungary)
    Produced by Cinemon Entertainment
    Supported by the National Film Institute – Hungary (NFI)

    Best Cinematographer:
    Steven Samy for Will My Parents Come to Visit Me / Meglátogatnak-e a szüleim (Hungary)

    Best Actor:
    Zoltán Bezerédi in All About the Levkoviches / Lefkovicsék gyászolnak (Hungary)
    Directed by Ádám Breier
    Produced by Ulab
    Coproduced by Proton Cinema
    Supported by the National Film Institute – Hungary (NFI)

    Best Actress:
    Katalin Román in Six Weeks / Hat hét (Hungary)

    Mátészalka Audience Award:
    Six Weeks / Hat hét (Hungary)

    CinProCas Special Award for Outstanding Cinematography in a Feature Film:
    Zoltán Dévényi for All about the Levkoviches and Six Weeks

    CinProCas Special Award for Outstanding Cinematography in a Short Film:
    Karim El Ali for Somewhere in Between (Lebanon)

    Click HERE to read a press release about The Activated Man.