
Hungarian Film Review Announces 2025 Programme

    Arni by Dorka Vermes Arni by Dorka Vermes credit: Proton Cinema

    BUDAPEST: The 44th edition of the Hungarian Film Review will be held at the Corvin Cinema in Budapest from 3 to 9 February 2025 after a 13-year hiatus. The Competition Programme includes 25 feature films, while 127 works will screen in seven competition categories, including short fiction films, experimental films, long documentaries, short documentaries, animated films, short animated films and TV series.

    photo: mfszemle.huWith a remarkable total of 382 films submitted, the festival is renowned for showcasing the best in Hungarian cinema. As in previous editions, the competition aims to highlight the diversity and innovation of Hungarian filmmakers, offering a platform for both established names and emerging talents.

    As part of the feature film selection, the audience will be able to see for the first time András Surányi’s Testamentum – Egy elveszett világból, a drama about Béla Bartók, as well as András Salamon’s independent film Random, a ballad-like tale about fateful encounters and tangled relationships.

    The Hungarian Film Review started in Pécs in 1965, when it screened only long films. The festival’s director is András Muhi.

    Feature Film Competition Programme:

    Three Thousand Numbered Pieces / Háromezer számozott darab (Hungary)
    Directed by Ádám Császi
    Produced by Unió Film
    Supported by the National Film Institute – Hungary (NFI, nfi.hu)

    Árni (Hungary)
    Directed by Dorka Vermes
    Produced by Proton Cinema

    All About the Levkoviches / Lefkovicsék gyászolnak (Hungary)
    Directed by Ádám Breier
    Produced by ULab
    Supported by the National Film Institute – Hungary (NFI)

    But What about Tomi? / És mi van Tomival? (Hungary)
    Directed by Attila Till
    Produced by Laokoon Filmgroup

    Without Air / Elfogy a levegő (Hungary)
    Directed by Katalin Moldovai
    Produced by Magma Cinema
    Coproduced by Salamandra Film
    Supported by the National Film Institute – Hungary (NFI)

    Explanation for Everything / Magyarázat mindenre (Hungary, Slovakia)
    Directed by Gábor Reisz
    Produced by Proton Cinema
    Coproduced by MPhilms
    Supported by the National Film Institute – Hungary, the Slovak Audiovisual Fund

    A Hunt for Hedgehogs / Sünvadászat (Hungary)
    Directed by Mihály Schwechtje
    Produced by CineSuper, Kino Alfa
    Coproduced by Látókép-Production

    Cat Call / Cicaverzum (Hungary)
    Directed by Rozália Szeleczki
    Produced by Lupa Pictures
    Supported by the National Film Institute – Hungary (NFI)

    Gone Running / Futni mentem (Hungary)
    Directed by Gábor Herendi
    Produced by Vertigo Média

    Csendes éj (Hungary)
    Directed by Gábor Dettre
    Produced by JUNO11 Pictures
    Coproducedby Pannonia Studio, Voice Café Studio

    Lesson Learned / Fekete pont (Hungary)
    Directed by Bálint Szimler
    Produced by  BoddahCineSuper
    Coproduced by Proton CinemaGoodKidsKMH FilmFocusFox

    Some Birds / Valami madarak (Hungary)
    Directed by Dániel Hevér
    Produced by 235 Film Productions, Filmfabriq
    Coproduced by Sparks
    Supported by the National Film Institute – Hungary (NFI)

    I Accidentally Wrote a Book / Véletlenül írtam egy könyvet (Hungary, the Netherlands)
    Directed by Nóra Lakos
    Produced by JUNO11 Pictures
    Coproduced by BIND
    Supported by the National Film Institute - Hungary, the Nederlands Filmfonds, Eurimages

    Látom, amitlátsz (Hungary)
    Directed by Mátyás Szabó
    Produced by Filmsquad
    Supported by the National Film Institute – Hungary (NFI)

    Hasadás (Hungary)
    Directed by Attila Kasvinszki
    Produced by Katlan Csoport, Neon Film

    On Human Touch / A másik érintése (Hungary)
    Directed by Tamás Buvári
    Produced by Szeretfilm Stúdió

    Mastergame / Mesterjátszma (Hungary)
    Directed by Barnabás Tóth
    Produced by Innoplay
    Supported by the National Film Institute – Hungary (NFI)

    Tomorrow I Die / Holnap meghalok (Hungary)
    Directed by Nikol Cibulya
    Produced by Vertigo Média

    Random (Hungary)
    Directed by András Salamon
    Produced by Cineworkfilm, Voila Pictures

    Raw Material / Nyersanyag (Hungary)
    Directed by Martin Boross
    Produced by Filmfabriq, Stereoakt

    Vulture’s Wake / Egy százalék indián (Hungary)
    Directed by Szabolcs Hajdu
    Produced by Látókép-Production

    Kalman’s Day / Kálmán-nap (Hungary, Slovakia, USA)
    Directed by Szabolcs Hajdu
    Produced by Látókép-Production
    Coproduced by MPhilms, Jim Stark

    January 2 / Január 2 (Hungary)
    Directed by Zsófia Szilágyi
    Produced by Poste Restante

    Testamentum – egy elveszett világból (Hungary)
    Directed by András Surányi
    Produced by B&L Line
    Supported by the National Film Institute – Hungary (NFI)

    Bolond Istók (Hungary)
    Directed by Georgina Hegedüs
    Produced by Filmsquad
    Supported by the National Film Institute – Hungary (NFI)