FESTIVALS: Hungarian Film Week Considers April Date

BUDAPEST: The 2011 Hungarian Film Week (www.hungarianfilmweek.com) is planned for April in a new scaled down, low-budget version of the event. The HFW has traditionally held at the end of…

FNE 2010 Year in Review: Chaos in Hungary

Almost complete stoppage of Hungarian film production, blocking of all public funding for film production and distribution, the uncertain future (and possible postponement or cancellation) of Hungarian Film Week, total…

Crisis: Hungarian Government Cuts Funding to Hungarian Motion Picture Foundation. HFW Postponed

The Hungarian parliament has decided to dramatically cut funding for the Hungarian Motion Picture Foundation (MMK www.mmka.hu) in its 2011 budget. The move has also put the future of the…
08-12-2010 m

Hungary Chooses Media Directors

Hungary's Public Media Foundation has announced the selection of four directors for the country's public media branches.The board of directors named Balazs Medveczky as general dirctor of Hungarian TV (www.mtv.hu)…

Hungarian Film Week Announce Funding Problems

Motion Picture Public Foundation of Hungary (MMK - http://english.mmka.hu/) announced that "it doesn't have the financial possibilities to organize the Hungarian Film Week" due to a hold on all funding…

Hungarian Filmmakers Protest Funding Cuts

Hungarian filmmakers published an open letter to the prime minister in an ongoing struggle over the future of film funding in Hungary. The letter, published on 16 November, urged the…

Hungarian Media Bill Could Limit TV Expansion

A new Hungarian media bill now being drafted would limit commercial TV corporations to a 35% share of the viewing market, according to a local news reports. Index.hu says a…

Hungary launches first on-line series

MAB, the first series created directly and only for internet broadcast in Hungary is set for launch (trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogInq8enG8I&feature=related). The project was initiated by Ádám Horgas, a director of alternative…

FNE Visegrad 2010: Coproductions in Hungary

Hungary has become one of Europe's international coproduction hubs over the past six years, following the passage of important legislation that set up a tax rebate system that allows producers…

FNE 2010 Visegrad Special: Hungary

Hungary began a transition in its film funding and administration system in 2010 which is expected to have a complete overhaul in 2011. FNE looks at the film and TV…

Government Plans Restructuring of Hungarian Film Financing System

The Hungarian government plans to restructure film funding in its 2011 budget, according to local news reports. Film financing, which is currently handled by the Hungarian Motion Picture Foundation (MMK,…

Run to Ground picked up for world sales

Vienna based EastWest Film Distribution has acquired sales rights to the Hungarian/UK film Run to Ground, an English language dark thriller shot in Hungary. The film is directed by Zsombor…

Applications are Open for Hungarian Film Week

Hungarian Film Week (http://www.hungarianfilmweek.com) has announced a call for applications through 15 November 2010. For the first time, animation films are also eligible to apply and are expected to be…

Digital TV on the Rise in Hungary

BUDAPEST: Digital TV subscriptions were poised to top 1.3 million at the end of August, according to a report from Hungary's National Media and Telecommunications Authority.

PRODUCTION: István Szabó shooting The Door

BUDAPEST: Oscar-winning Hungarian director István Szabó is mid-way through shooting a film based on the best-selling novel by Hungarian writer Magda Szabó, The Door with Academy Award winner Helen Mirren…

SPI Announces New Hungarian TV Channels

SPI International (www.spi.pl) will launch two new movie channels in Hungary, building on the Film Box label. FilmBox and FilmBox Plus will air 24/7.

PRODUCTION: Gödrös in Preproduction with The Beginning of Things

BUDAPEST: Hungarian director Frigyes Gödrös is in preproduction with a Hungarian-Cuban coproduction based on Cuban magical realist writer Alejo Carpentier's novella Viaje a la Semilla (The Beginning of Things).

FESTIVALS: CEE FilmsTake Top Awards at CinePecs

PECS: Under the affable and capable guidance of festival director Janos Keresnyei, the 2nd edition of the revitalized CinePécs IFF handed out its top awards to films from Czech Republic,…

PRODUCTION: Abigel in preproduction

BUDAPEST: Abigél, the first feature film based on a popular Hungarian novel for youth, is in preproduction for an August/September 2011 shoot and theatrical release in 2012.

PRODUCTION: Hungarian dance film in postproduction

BUDAPEST - The Maiden Danced to Death directed by Endre Hules and filmed by Oscar-winning cinematographer Vilmos Zsigmond has completed shooting in Budapest, Slovenia, and Montreal.