
PRODUCTION: Macedonian/Kosovan/Albanian An Unforgettable Spring in Forgotten Village Sets Domestic Premiere

    An Unforgettable Spring in Forgotten Village by Kushtrim Bekteshi An Unforgettable Spring in Forgotten Village by Kushtrim Bekteshi

    SKOPJE: The Macedonian/Kosovan/Albanian feature film An Unforgettable Spring in Forgotten Village / Nezaboravna prolet vo zaboraveno selo by Kushtrim Bekteshi will premiere in Macedonia on 29 March 2019. Macedonian producer Sasho Pavlovski from the Skopje-based Manufaktura Production coproduced the film together with Albanian Ska-ndal Production, Kosovan Media&Film and Macedonian Skupi Festival.

    This 110-minute comedy depicts the quiet and ordinary life of a forgotten village that changes dramatically when three prostitutes arrive at the village bar of two pimp brothers. Their arrival arouses the interest of the men in the village, who blow the last of the little money they have on alcohol and sex. The women of the village now have to struggle to get their lives back on track.

    The film is produced by Sasho Pavlovski and Muzbajdin Qamili, Osman Ahmeti, Genc Permeti and Mumin Jashari are the coproducers. The cast includes actors from Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania and Bulgaria: Shkumbin Istrefi, Osman Ahmeti, Ndriçim Xhepa, Luan Jaha, Vjollca Bekteshi Hamiti, Adriana Matoshi, Amernis Noksiki, Diana Spasova, Hismet Ramadani, Musa Isufi and others.

    The film was shot in a village in Albania with a total budget of 460,000 EUR. It was supported by the Macedonian Film Agency, the Kosovo Cinematography Center, the Albanian National Center of Cinematography, RTK (Radio Television of Kosovo), RTM2 (Macedonian Radio Television 2) and RTSH (Albanian Radio Television).

    Production Information:

    Manufaktura Production (Macedonia)

    An Unforgettable Spring in Forgotten Village by Kushtrim BekteshiCoproducers:
    Skupi Festival (Macedonia)
    Ska-ndal Production (Albania)
    Kosovo Media&Film (Kosovo)

    Director:  Kushtrim Bekteshi
    Writer: Kushtrim Bekteshi
    DoP: Almir Djikoli
    Editor: Radovan Petrovikj
    Music composer: Trimor Dhomi
    Sound designer: Darko Spasovski
    Cast: Shkumbin Istrefi, Osman Ahmeti, Ndriçim Xhepa, Luan Jaha, Vjollca Bekteshi Hamiti, Adriana Matoshi, Amernis Noksiki, Diana Spasova, Hismet Ramadani, Musa Isufi